Hi! We’re
Humanize Wealth.

We provide personalized wealth management and exceptional client experiences for individuals, families, and foundations who value social impact, environmental justice and shared prosperity.

How would it look to humanize your wealth?

We all have a unique story around wealth and its role in our lives. Humanize Wealth provides financial guidance that is most relevant to you, and the relationships and outcomes you value.

Engage in discovery around the purpose and power of money 

Express your values across all aspects of your financial life

Make investments that are impactful and transformative

Collaborate with community partners and invest locally


Relational Transactional

Collaborative Prescriptive

Customized Productized

Generative Extractive

We live in a system that works for some, not all.

Wealth inequality is central to this story.

Many argue that the world is “getting better”, but for whom? The racial wealth gap in the US is as large as it was in the 1960’s.¹ Women are quickly losing rights that were seemingly secured decades ago, continue to earn less than men and are struggling with inadequate funding for child care and maternal health, all issues that disproportionately impact women of color. Racism, anti-semitism and discrimination against the LGBTQIA+ community – while not new – are persistent and amplified by prominent voices. Even with climate conscious investing becoming mainstream, scientists say there's now a 66% chance we will pass the 1.5c global warming threshold in the next 4-5 years.²  

  • Hard truth: wealth accumulation is not values neutral. Much of the wealth owned today traces back to the global colonial exploitation of labor and natural resources, features that largely persist within our modern day economic and political systems.

    And while financial capital is a powerful driver of innovation and prosperity in our society, the system rewards those who already own and control it. These are often the same people who hold power in the institutions that determine policy, which reinforces the status quo.

    Investors across generations care about these issues but many are unsure how to use their wealth as a tool to make progress.

    ¹ Matthew Desmond, Poverty, by America
    ²WMO Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update (GADCU)

Purposeful planning and investing with urgency and an emphasis on relationships.

We support clients and communities in shifting social, environmental and financial systems toward healing with the goal of improving the resilience of people and planet. 

  • Our country is experiencing the biggest generational wealth transfer in history with $84 trillion projected to be passed down to millennials and Gen Xers through 2045, and $16 trillion over the next decade alone.¹ Stewards of this inheritance are rethinking how to deploy this wealth with 99% of millennials reporting interest in sustainable investing.²

    Humanize Wealth provides thoughtful financial planning and strategic investment advice that helps our clients achieve their financial goals while activating their wealth for progress.

    ¹ Smith, Talmon Joseph. “The Greatest Wealth Transfer in History is Here.” The New York Times, 14 May 2023.
    ² Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing

We are at the crossroads of a massive opportunity for using wealth, and its associated power, to drive positive social and environmental outcomes.


Explore the purpose, power and potential of your wealth.

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